Forever Wanting

Really want to lose weight but also really want a cinnamon bun…. if I eat all the cinnamon buns then there will be none left and I can focus on eating healthy! See the logic? I do!! haha just kidding but seriously I need to get healthy and I just feel like I can’t. I have definitely always been a chubby child and that mentality has carried over into adulthood. I want to know when will be the time that I actually stick to my diet and workout plan, when will be the day that I am fully committed to living the life that I go to bed wanting every night.

Listening to “Seeing Stars by BARNS”, in the library, left foot is asleep, wrapped in a blanket scarf

xxx Jusstasec

Promise Me You Will…

I want him to love me for forever. I know he’s the one and I know I am always going to be happy in his arms. I feel like im too young to be thinking this but something is different with him. This relationship isn’t like any of my past ones this one is real and it is so important to me. I’m finally feeling that feeling that other people talk about and you call them crazy because they aren’t being logical, now I understand them, now I am one of them and it feels great

Listening to “Bruises by Train”, wearing two layers of socks, feeling honest, craving cinnamon buns

xxx Jusstasec

Listen Up

I’m going to give you some advice, trust me you have heard it before. Here it is: Don’t have any regrets. No ragrets haha. Yes this is easier said then done and yes this is something that is said a lot but, it is something that you need to keep in the front of your mind. This little piece of advice will land you your dream job, it will be the cause of your best memories. It might even be the reason you meet the love of your life. Don’t go through life without giving 100 percent because life won’t give you 100 percent of what you want without the effort. 

Listening to “Heart to Heart by James Blunt”, sitting in boyfriend’s bed, no-makeup, wet hair, avoiding homework, interview tomorrow (wish me luck)

xxx Jusstasec